The palace court with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture lies in the center of the city. Prince Mangkubumi founded the palace in 1755. The Prince then was called Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I and he chose the right location of the compound between Winongo River and Code River.

The visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the kraton in former times by visiting the life-size diorama of wedding ceremonies on the palace meeting hall, performed by puppets, which are intentionally arranged to create such an atmosphere. Sets of Javanese musical instruments, antiques and heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta worth to visit. Many sets of gamelan music instruments, antiques, and heirlooms make the palace of Yogyakarta the most interesting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. The palace of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat is now the dwelling place of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and the family.
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