Senggigi, named after a princess in local legend, is the main tourist center in Lombok and the most developed tourist area. The resort area about 10 Kilometers north of Ampenan, and about 20 minutes drive from the Lombok international Airport. Nowhere near as large or as busy as its Bali conterparts, Senggigi is
a great base for exploring the rest of the island. The pace is very laid back, with activities centered around the beaches and day trips to places of interest, which are all with in ferw hours drive from the town. At night dine in the many restaurants catering to all tastest and budgets, listen the live music at the cafes or Bars or dance the night away at the night clubs.
Senggigi is the large bay that forms the center of Senggigi, with the main road running parrarel to the beach, and large resorts occupying the space between. The beach provides picturesque views of Bali's Agung Mountain to the west and stunning sunsets with the volacano silhouetted on the horizon. Senggigi reef, off the Senggigi Beach hotel has good coral for snorkelling and in the right conditions, some decent surf breaks.

The main road in Senggigi is lined with small shops, Restaurants, Bars, Travel agencies and Night Clubs. There are couple of supermarkets, numerous ATM's and Money Changers, Post office and all as ussual tourist facilities. Senggigi is a relaxing place to stay, with a good range of luxury hotels and resorts, as well as mid range and budget accommodations.
The Art Market Senggigi, is located between the Santosa Villas & Resort and Sheraton Hotel. There are numerous small stalls selling handicrafts and souvenirs from aroun Lombok, as well as T-shirts, sarongs and clothing similar to Bali's markets. On the beach, line up restaurants and cafes are nice place to catch the ocean breezes during the day, orr to dine at night watching the lights of the fisihing boats accross the ocean.
How to Get to Senggigi
There is a few alternatives to get to Senggigi Resort
* Coming from Lembar Harbor, you can go straight to Senggigi by Shuttle Bus or Taxi available on call for 24 hours.
* If you are coming by Plane, ask for Airport Taxi services, they will drive you to the hotel as your destination.
* Public transportation or Bemos are available from 06 am to 05 pm.
Stay at Senggigi
There are various range of hotels that you can choose to stay at Senggigi, From Deluxe five star Hotel resort to simple home stays, such as Senggigi Beach Hotel, Purimas Boutique Hotel and Resort, Intan Lombok Village Hotel and Resort, Sheraton Hotel and Resort, Pool Villa, Raja’s Bungalow, Ellen Hotel, Ray Hotel, Senggigi Reef Resort, Bukit Senggigi Cottage, Holiday Resort Lombok, and many more, for details infromation about the Senggigi accommodations please click Senggigi Hotels List.

Dinning and Entertainment
There is various Restaurant and Café to choose at the town of Senggigi Such as, Happy Café with there famous Live band at night, Papaya Café with Live Music, Bumbu Café, Marina Café with Live music, Sunshine Restaurant, Naga Restaurant, Taman Restaurant, and etc. these Restaurant served a selection food from Indonesia cuisine to International cuisine.
What to Do & See
* Swimming off the beach is safe.
* Canoe hire is available on the Senggigi beach.
* Surfing
* Wind Surfing
* Snorkeling
* Take a walk to Batu Bolong Temple (Hollow Rock Temple)
* Sunset
* Water Sport ( Jet Ski, Paraglaiding/Parasailing, and Banana boat)
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Puncak Suroloyo juga menyimpan mitos. Puncak ini diyakini sebagai kiblat pancering bumi (pusat dari empat penjuru) di tanah Jawa. Masyarakat setempat percaya bahwa puncak ini adalah pertemuan dua garis yang ditarik dari utara ke selatan dan dari arah barat ke timur Pulau Jawa. Dengan mitos, sejarah beserta pemandangan alamnya, tentu tempat ini sangat tepat untuk dikunjungi pada hari pertama di tahun baru.
Dikala kepenatan selama satu minggu dengan rutinitas yang melelahkan.minggu pagi yang cerah mentari dari ufuk timur senantiasa menyinari seluruh bumi.ayampun tak kalah dengan gagahnya mengeluarkan suar lantang....,pagi itu kami berenacana untuk adventure untuk menghilangkan penat.setelah kmi berkumpul maka tujuanya adalah sebuah tempat wisata alami yang penuh dengan tantangan.tempat wisata tujuan kami adalah puncak suroloyo.konon puncak ini merupakan puncak tertinggi yang ada di bukit mnoreh,dimana bukit menoreh terletak di kabupaten kulonprogo,DI.Yogyakarta.dimana dari puncak suroloyo kita dapat menikmati pemandangan
yang menajubkan.ternyata itu semua bukan isapan jempol belaka. Puncak Suroloyo, buykit tertinggi di Pegunungan Menoreh yang berada pada 1.091 meter di atas permukaan laut. Untuk menikmatinya, anda harus melewati jalan berkelok tajam serta menakhlukkan tanjakan yang cukup curam, dan memulai perjalanan setidaknya pada pukul 2 dini hari. Dua jalur bisa dipilih, pertama rute Jalan Godean - Sentolo - Kalibawang dan kedua rute Jalan Magelang - Pasar Muntilan - Kalibawang. Rute pertama lebih baik dipilih karena akan membawa anda lebih cepat sampai. Tentu anda mesti berada dalam kondisi fisik prima, demikian juga kendaraan yang mesti berisi bahan bakar penuh serta bila perlu membawa ban cadangan.
Setelah berjalan kurang lebih 40 km, anda akan menemui papan penunjuk ke arah Sendang Sono. Anda bisa berbelok ke kiri untuk menuju Puncak Suroloyo, namun disarankan anda berjalan terus dahulu sejauh 500 meter hingga menemui pertigaan kecil dan berbelok ke kiri karena jalannya lebih halus. Dari situ, anda masih harus menanjak lagi sejauh 15 km untuk menuju Puncak Suroloyo. Sebuah perjalanan yang melelahkan memang, namun terbayar dengan keindahan pemandangan yang dapat dilihat.
Pertanda anda telah sampai di bukit Suroloyo adalah terlihatnya tiga buah gardu pandang yang juga dikenal dengan istilah pertapaan, yang masing-masing bernama Suroloyo, Sariloyo dan Kaendran. Suroloyo adalah pertapaan yang pertama kali dijumpai, bisa dijangkau dengan berjalan kaki menaiki 286 anak tangga dengan kemiringan 300 - 600. Dari puncak, anda bisa melihat Candi Borobudur dengan lebih jelas, Gunung Merapi dan Merbabu, serta pemandangan kota Magelang bila kabut tak menutupi.
Pertapaan Suroloyo merupakan yang paling legendaris. Menurut cerita, di pertapaan inilah Raden Mas Rangsang yang kemudian bergelar Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo bertapa untuk menjalankan wangsit yang datang padanya. Dalam kitab Cabolek karya Ngabehi Yosodipuro yang ditulis pada abad 18, Sultan Agung mendapat dua wangsit, pertama bahwa ia akan menjadi penguasa tanah Jawa sehingga mendorongnya berjalan ke arah barat Kotagede hingga sampai di Pegunungan Menoreh, keduia bahwa ia harus melakuykan tapa kesatrian agar bisa menjadi penguasa.
Menuju pertapaan lain, anda akan melihat pemandangan yang berbeda pula. Di puncak Sariloyo yang terletak 200 meter barat pertapaan Suroloyo, anda akan melihat Gunung Sumbing dan Sindoro dengan lebih jelas. Sebelum mencapai pertapaan itu, anda bisa melihat tugu pembatas propinsi DIY dengan Jawa Tengah yang berdiri di tanah datar Tegal Kepanasan. Dari pertapaan Sariloyo, bila berjalan 250 meter dan naik ke pertapaan Kaendran, anda akan dapat melihat pemandangan kota Kulon Progo dan keindahan panati Glagah.
Usai melihat pemandangan di ketiga pertapaan, anda bisa berkeliling wilayah Puncak Suroloyo dan melihat aktivitas penduduk di pagi hari. Biasanya, mulai sekitar pukul 5 pagi penduduk sudah berangkat ke sawah sambil menghisap rokok linting. Bila anda berjalan di dekat para penduduk itu, aroma sedap kemenyan akan menyapa indra penciuman sebab kebanyakan pria yang merokok mencampur tembakau linting dengan kemenyan untuk menyedapkan aroma.
Selain memiliki pemandangan yang mengagumkan, Puncak Suroloyo juga menyimpan mitos. Puncak ini diyakini sebagai kiblat pancering bumi (pusat dari empat penjuru) di tanah Jawa. Masyarakat setempat percaya bahwa puncak ini adalah pertemuan dua garis yang ditarik dari utara ke selatan dan dari arah barat ke timur Pulau Jawa. Dengan mitos, sejarah beserta pemandangan alamnya, tentu tempat ini sangat tepat untuk dikunjungi pada hari pertama di tahun baru.
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Sanur is one of Bali's biggest traditional villages but it's also one of the most established tourist areas
. Sanur was Bali's first beach resort but still retains its Balinese character and old style village ambiance. On the southeastern side of Bali, Sanur beach is easily reachable from Denpasar, about a 5 to 10 minute drive. Sanur is an excellent site to watch the sun rises, as we jog along the white sandy beach. Being one of the first resorts developed in Bali, Sanur maintains its traditions. Only a stone thrown away from the beach, ancient temples stand as solemn as they have been in centuries past.
Palm-lined beach, facing the Indian Ocean towards the east, Sanur is an excellent place to see the sun rise in the morning. "Bali is the morning of the world", it is the right sentence for Bali if we has visited Sanur. Offshore reefs protect the beach against the waves, and make it popular for windsurfing, boating, and other water sports. It is one of the first areas where one can find good hotels, restaurants, shops, and other tourist facilities.
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Once a lonely little village on the road from Denpasar to Bukit Peninsula,
Kuta is now the tourist Mecca of Bali, popular mainly among the young and adventurous. Kuta beach is one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourist. Coconut trees line the sand beach as far as the eyes can see towards the north stopped by the runway of Denpasar's airport far in the west. The sunset in Kuta is most breathtaking. On the south, the beach is fenced by the airport's runway, which gives the visitors a breathtaking landing experience.
Kuta Beach bustles with tourists' vendors and locals. It's the most popular beach in Bali and the island's number one party zone. The beach stretches as far north as the eyes can see. As short walk away north, the waves will invite to surfing. Rapid development and an influx of visitors haven't kept the surfers away and Kuta still remains one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle.

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Jl. Ngasem
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A water garden that was built in 1758 and remains a dynamic and traditional neighborhood.
Tamansari, which means "perfumed garden," is home to some 2,700 residents, a community that distinguishes itself through its craft traditions in batik and traditional painting. The "perfumed garden" is experiencing a revival, becoming a venue for the performing arts, tourism, crafts, and festivals, all of which have improved appreciation for the site.
What Makes Tamansari Water Castle a Great Place?

Tamansari is a popular tourist destination in Yogyakarta, because of its convenient location to the city center and Pasar Ngasem (Ngasem Marketplace). The only way to get around Tamansari is by walking, which makes the place more enjoyable and gives more opportunities to enjoy the various tropical vegetations, local community houses, and batik galleries.
Tamansari is a witness of yesterday's charm in the midst of today's creative life. The ruin is well maintained, and the houses are clean, since the site is a tourist destination. The neighborhood residents take care of the place as well as maintain the safety and cleanliness of the place.

As a visitor, there are so many options, from taking the tour of the used-to-be garden, to visiting local artists’ galleries. Visitors can enjoy the city's view on top of the location, and can visit Pasar Ngasem at the end of the journey.
People around Tamansari are helpful and friendly, they are accustomed to visitors and tourists. The local pride can be seen through their daily life and through the galleries. Ratio of local visitors and tourists: 40:60.
History & Background
Tamansari was built in 1758 as a pleasure palace complex for Sultan Hamengku Buwono I of the Kingdom of Yogyakarta. The 59-building compound included a mosque, meditation chambers, swimming pools, and a series of 18 water gardens and pavilions surrounded by ornamental lakes. The palace complex fell out of use following an earthquake in 1867, which destroyed several buildings and drained the famous water features. Over time, squatters began to inhabit the site, living among the deserted pavilions and building homes in the former lakebeds.
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Kota Gede, which is often called Sargede is located about five kilometers southeast of Yogyakarta,
Kotagede is a neat little town, which was once the seat of the mighty Mataram Empire. Since the 1930s, Kotagede has become famous for being the center of the Yogya silverwork industry. There are a number of workshops where visitors are welcome to watch silver being transformed into beautiful works of art known as "Yogya Silver". Kotagede is easily reached by "andong", the four-wheeled horse-drawn cart, by taxi, bus, or car.

In that cemetery complex one can still visit the cemetery of the Mataram kings like Sutowijoyo or Ngabei Loring Pasar, the founder of Mataram Kingdom, who was then called Panembahan Senopati. There is also the unique tomb of Ki Ageng Mangir. He was Panembahan Senopati son in law and also Panembahan Senopati enemy. His dead body was buried half inside of the special area for kings and Panembahan Senopati families, and a half of his body was buried outside of the complex. There is a stone called " Watu Gilang ", a stone on which Panembahan Senopati smashed the Ki Ageng Mangir head to dead.

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Mendut Temple is the older temple than Borobudur Temple.
There are stories for children on its walls. It is located 1 km to the east of Pawon temple. There are magnificent statues of Buddha inside the temples. For Waisak ceremony, the offering and the praying start in this temple.
Mendut Temple is frequently used to celebrate the Waisak day every May full moon and the pilgrims from Indonesia and all parts of the world come to this ceremony. Its architecture is square, and have an entrance on its steps. Its roof is also square and terraced. There are stupas (= bell-shaped structures) on it.
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